Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Continous Bad Day

Sunday was horrible....so was monday.....todays not looking good either. Sunday, i tried these chinese herbs; there are not enough adjectives or words in the english language to express how vile and disgusting these things were! I stirred them into a cup of hot tea, with 3 teaspoons of honey and a whole packet of sugar. It didnt make one difference-it was still gross. I took one sip, gagged, and started crying. I guess I was crying because i was shocked; when I got these things from a doctor on saturday, they smelled kinda good-grandma, do you remember that necklace you brought me from china? it was a red string with a small cloth circle filled with herbs and a tassel. anyways, thats what this smelled like. And I liked it; i went into this whole herb process on sunday thinking "hey, this is going to be easy! they smell good, i can put them in something to override any bad tastes, this should be easy!" Nope. Complete opposite. so my stomqach has been hurting off and on ever since those herbs.

Yesterday, I woke up with my stomach still hurting. But I sucked it up and went in to ric anyways. my pain spiked around 2:30, and did not go back down for hours. It was pretty weird, actually, jess, alette, and I's pain all spike within like one minutes of eachother. we have no clue what caused it. so then our next class is relaxation-which normally i love-but yesterday i did not relax even once! The pain was reallyyyyy bad, so I had to turn my stim unit up, which made my back hurt and tngle, so i couldnt lay down. but i also couldnt sit up because the generator in my hip was at a super wierd angle and really hurting me. then the falling issue got about 85% worse. So I'm sitting there, crying quietly, trying to make it to the end of the class. I fianally got back to the hotel, and relaxed for an hour or so. then I went over across the hall to altette's room, and we did our work together and talked for about 3 hours. stomach still hurt, but otherwise I was starting to feel somewhat better.

So today I wake up, and my stomach is so screwed up that I cant even go into ric! I have been suckin it up everysingle day so far, no matter how crappy I feel. But my entire schedule this morning is excersising, and i cannot do that with this upset stomach. so i took pepto, ginger ale, and crackers, and now im watching MASH trying to distract myself, so i can go in by 11am. Our "community outing" is at 1pm today, (its where we all go do something fun as a group and "practice what we've learned so far.") we're going to the MCA- museum of comtemprary art. Of course, I'm mostly interested in the 2 story gift shop :P so im reallyy hoping i'll be better by then!

The good news is, Dad and I had a fantastic dinner at the cheesecake factory saturday night! it took us over 2 hours to get seated, but it was worth the wait! I got a red velvet cheesecake-layers of red velvet cake, cheesecake, cream cheese frosting, and white chocolate! ahhhhhhhhh it was HEAVEN!! it took me 3 days to watch though! it was the richest thing I've ever eaten in my entire life! soooooooo good though! :D


  1. Well, I'll remind you of the procedure I went through to take the "poo poo pills" [for those reading: I took these homeopathic pain pills recommended by my chiropractor that smelled like POOP!!! Talk about gagging!] I held my nose shut tight; swallowed the pill with strong flavored juice (usually OJ) and before letting go of my nose, I popped the first in a succession of chocolates into my mouth [usually Hershey kisses - not to fattening ;)]. I had to keep shoveling choc. for a few minutes to overcome the back-taste and gagging. But they did help - they only thing to get at one particular part of the jaw pain back then that nothing was helping.

    All that is just to say...where there's a will, there's a way :)

    Have fun shopping - you deserve it!
    xoxoxo -

  2. Tried to post yesterday, but don't see it. Anyway Hang in there Katie. Sounds like they are working you hard, and if the old saying "no pain no gain" is true, you should be gaining alot! I'm praying that all this hard work will pay off and help reduce your pain and increase your ability to handle it.

  3. Thanks Mr. Carol!! :) I'm Deffinitely making progress-so thats good....but it hurts sooooo bad, and theres nothing I can do about it. (or at least it feels that way.) ironically, these people are trying to equip me with tools to manage my pain better, but that process is putting me through waaaaaay more pain! *sigh* oh well, at least I've made new friends and gotten to live in a cool city for a month :) And I'm really hoping this progress will carry on back into my real life, not just go away once I leave here....

  4. Check your email. I sent you a link to snow pictures :)


  5. Hey Katie,
    Whenever I get good advice from someone, I call them "little words" which I store in my brain. So I have several people's wise words running around in my brain and when I need help, they pop up. So, yes, all the progress you've made there will stay with you. Just go to the place in your brain where you put those "wise little words". It can be physical, emotional, or mental help.

    My cat Mazda is really mad at me about this snow. First, she won't go outside until I've shoveled her path. Now that she can walk gingerly on the snow, she's bit happier. But she's still waiting for more paths! Tough, I said.

    Why do I get the idea that shopping is your favorite pasttime?

    Love, Aunt Joan

  6. hmmm...i dont know, maybe because I do it alot? (hehe) thanks for the Little words :) thats a neat tip!
