Sunday, January 31, 2010

Settled In

We're much more settled into our new home for the next month. We've brought up everything from the car, and gone grocery shopping. Out kitchen is now stocked with foods for the next couple of days. ( we can't store too much because of the limited space.)
Dad and I are about to make dinner, and watch some Get Smart :)


Our Hotel Room! The huge bed is mine :D

I will post more pics as I take them :)
(I did not take a pic of the view from our hotel room windows, cause the view is horrible. it looks out over a roof of the next building. and heres the cruel part: our hotel has no pool or jacuzzi, and we have to look at the pool on the roof of the building across the street! soooo not fair! >:( )


This is the view when you walk in the door


I'm Here! We got in at around 7:45 lastnight, and it took 2 loads on the luggage-carrier thingy they give you to get our stuff up. (we took the rest up today)[see luke?? i told you I didn't bring too much :P ] Our Hotel room is AWESOME!!!!! my room is absolutely gorgeous, and I have a huuuuge bed and two large closets! (the irony is they barely give you any hangers) I got all unpacked, and then relaxed. I couldnt fall asleep till 2:30am, cause of the falling and my back hurting. I had to wake up at 7:30am, because dad wanted to start getting up earlier so that having to wake up at 6am for the next month would be easier. well, as easy as it can be at 6am ,anyways. then we went down to breakfast, which was ok i guess. they had eggs, (which were waaaay to runny and wet for my taste.) and sauseges, pastries, cereals and milks, oatmeal, and stuff to make yogurt parfaits, (yogurt, granola, and strawberries.) i made a parfait, but ended up throwing it away because it was just gross! we came back up, i showered, and we went to the grocery store to buy food. It's weird, their Safeway out here is called Domonick's, but its owned by safeway, so our club card worked. It was like walking around the one back home, just bigger and with waaaay more stuff. Then we came back here and ate lunch and relaxed.
Oh, and we also times how long it will take me to walk to RIC; it took 6:30 minutes, so if I count in about 15 minutes, I should be in good shape. But Its alot farther away than i thought! The people told us 1 1/2 blocks, but its more like 3 or so. Anyways you look at it, its alot of walking for me!
Im going to try to upload the pics I took of the hotel room, so i hope it works!
Dad and I just finnished watching a movie, and after I finnish this, I think Im going to go watch something in my room and just veg out.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


So tomorrow I have to get up @ like 7am, shower, then luke is taking me to a doctor appointment, then we're comming back here and he's going to keep me company while I pack, and help me if I need it. Then My mom is making us all a huuuge family dinner, i think its going to be roast turkey with green beans and sweet potato casserole :) thennn I leave 6am saturday am for CHICAGO!!!!!
Saying goodbye to lauriee today was not easy, and saying goodbye to luke tomorrow, and my family the next day, is going to be even harder! :'(

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stressed Out

Soooo yeah I'm kinda starting to really stress out about this whole thing.....0.o

Saturday, January 23, 2010

One week to go

Well, I leave in one week, as of this morning. I'm very excited! My dad came into my room today, carrying a magenta/hot purple suitcase. "what's that?" I aksed him. "this," he replied, "is the 5 piece luggage set you won at your "after-prom" party." I had totally forgotten about it! That should definitely help with packing. (And it's in a bright, pretty color, too!) I'm upset that I'll be away from my family for a whole month; and I'll also be away from Luke. That's going to be rough. I depend on him alot, for emotional support and alot of other things. He helps me so much, I hate thought of being away from him for this long. (and then there's the fact that he's my boyfriend, that will make it even harder *sad face*) Well, I'd better go; mom and I need to so lots of shopping in the next week! (clothes, food, (I have to eat wheat-free as much as I can. Not gonna be easy for a whole month away from home!)and a bunch of other stuff. I will keep posting as I can!