Friday, February 19, 2010


  1. by the way, I kinda forgot to label this post: its the top of the hancock tower! the first pic ois me in a glass booth thats supposed to look like im on the scafolding of a building cleaning or something.....tons more pics, these were the best :)

  2. Kates:
    Post a couple of snow photos from my flickr, if you can (maybe the totally snowed driveway, the half-shoveled driveway, and one of Dex in the snow?). Just so everyone can see how Anna and I spent OUR time while you were gone.

    Hmmm... on second thought, maybe you and Dad should throw US a party ;)

  3. Party? Where? ;)

    Those pictures are so cool. In all of my visits to Chicago I've never seen the view from up there. I'm looking forward to seeing the full-res pics on the computer later.

    Did you get to do the Wii Fit Plus as a part of your workout yet?

  4. Oh, I almost forgot -

    Happy Birthday, Hoo!

  5. No, I havent! they dont have that here-just the wii sports! i'll tell dad. i got him a bottle of "yoo-hoo" for valentines day as a jok-he didnt seem that into it. its still sitting in the fridge.... :(

  6. Personally, I have never understood the appeal of Yoo-Hoo. I know that your Mom likes it though. I don't know if it is GF.

    I have heard through the grapevine that you will be able to "fly like a chicken" when you get home. :)

  7. "fly like a chicken"???? HUHH????

  8. In my best Schultz voice, "I know noth-INK!"

