Friday, February 5, 2010

Rewards :)

So week number one is DOOOOONE!!!!! finallyyyy! after that last post, I finally foundthe dude who helped me open my locker and got my stuff out. the ni had core strengthening-HARDEST PART YET!!!! the gym i learned to adapt to, the pool is kinda fun, and feldenkrais will be fun again after i get my hip fixed. but this?? omg i physically could not do it! I almost had another breakdown-not because i was overwhelmed, but because i was so flippin frustrated with how my body wasnt doing what i was telling it to do!

its called core strengethening, (Im just gonna call it CS, cause thats alot easier to type AND spell lols)but its really leg stengthening! We did alllllll this stuff with our legs, and not crunches whatsoever! granted, some stuff was incorperating the abs, but the majority was leg torture! We had to do 20 of these leg lifts where you're on one side with your under leg bent and your upper leg behind you and hyou go strait up and down 20 times. i BARELY made it to ten!! i mean it hurt so dang bad i was crying. we also did clams, reverse crunches, upside down toe touches, and a lotttttt more! i was fed up because i would be telling my leg to go up and it just wasnt doing it! by the time we did the stretching in the end to losen up, i was done. couldnt do one more thing.

And thats another thing that bothered me-arent you sipposed to stretch BEFORE you work out???

I walked home alone, cause alette had one more class. i rested for about 2 minutes, then got ready to go out with dad.

As my reward for doing so well the first week, he took me to navy piers, where we ate dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co., (suuuuch good food! the coconut shrimp was absolutely fantastic!)then we saw Avatar in IMAX 3D! there are not enough words to describe its awesomeness :) (although i DID have a headache when we got out, it was a little visually overwhelming. but soooooo goooooood!!!!) Then we went looking at the little kiosks of jewelry, and one of them had these cute earmuffs so dad let me get them! theyre pink and black plaid, (in a fabric that almost looks like a form of burlap, but softer and not quite the same..) and has a fake fur lining thats super warm. Then we had deser at ben and jerrys :D i had soooooo much funn!!!

I am now going to go collapse...Ive been on the go since 6am!!


  1. Hurray, Katie!

    You made it through the first week!
    **I am SO PROUD of you!**
    You are one tough chicken! ;)

    It sounds like your dad is pretty proud of you, too. (Hidey-Ho, Hoo)

    So, what are you going to do this weekend? Do you have much homework?

    PS - We have about 6-8 inches of snow so far.

  2. Thanks!! umm idk really....i know we're going shopping for some stuff we need for the room, and id like to go shopping at the malls near here, i may look up some beading shopes and see if there are any near here...i do have alot of hw, so that will take up a good bit of i need to rest, so like i said i have nooooo idea lols :)

  3. Bead shops? Whatever wold you want to do in a bead shop? :) There are probably quite a few around. They might be a little more pricey toward the center of the city.

    Maybe find out where you will be going "room stuff" shopping and see if the internet or phonbook says that there is anything interesting nearby.

    Remember that you may be able to go back again later, so purchase wisely. Although, bead souvineers could be pretty cool, especially if you finish the project while in Chicago!

  4. Katie,
    I just figured out how to respond so here I am! I've been following your blog and it's great! You're doing fantastic! Keep up the good work :). We're all proud of you and praying for you every day. Stephen had his interviews and they went great. He's sending you a DVD of his movie, so watch for that. We'd love to talk about LOST with you if you have any time or energy :) Have a great week and keep warm!

  5. I know you feel rotten today, but it will pass. Your body will get used to all this activity and it'll settle down soon. Trust me - Moms know these things :)

    love you bunches - hang in there! You're doing great!!

  6. Thanks guys! I will deffinitley be looking for that package, Sue! I CANNOT WAIT t see it!!!
    Haha IF i have energy, I will try to cal you guys fro some LOST chat :) (but no garuntees,sry...they're merciless here!)

  7. hey there! i know how the body-hurting-thing feels too - 24 1/2 inches of snow! but we finally got power back sunday nite and we got plowed out today (which i had to go shovel again) and there snow EVERYWHERE, the piles come up to the kitchen windows lol. great job on last week, keep it up! your body will get stronger alot faster than you think - my arms are already bulking up after 3 days haha. btdubbs i expect a souvineer.
    just kidding!

  8. Katie, I think that Anna is asking you to bring her back a SNOWGLOBE from Chicago. ;)

    (Anna's gonna kill me for that one!)

  9. oooooo dang anna! your arm muscles must be awesome :) make sure you guys take lots of pics for me and dad! haha i'll look for a souvineer for ya :) (i make no promises-im not in a touristy area....)but the water tower may have one...i'll see :)

    Kris- I'll look for one ;)

  10. Katie- they're calling for 16-20 more inches of snow tomorrow night. If I don't answer the phone after Weds., check with Sue & Jim in FL. Anna and I may run away. ;)
